Guidelines for maintaining good condition of liquid chromatography columns

Guidelines for maintaining good condition of liquid chromatography columns

Keeping the HPLC column in tip-top condition will go a long way toward improving and standardizing your separation operations, while ensuring lc column life. You can take the following steps to achieve this goal.


First, pay attention to cleaning. If you pay attention and clean regularly from the beginning, your liquid chromatography column will last longer. The type of solvent, acid, or base required to clean the liquid chromatography column depends on their design and the specific type of adsorbent. Although some hplc columns require sodium hydroxide, the solution can damage the adsorbent in other columns. Please follow the column instructions.


Second, storage conditions are also very important. Many people don’t think about how to store the liquid chromatography column, and bacteria will grow in the neutral environment of the buffer. Prevent bacterial growth by running water through the column, and then place the column in a bacteriostatic solution, such as a solution containing 20% ethanol, and in a refrigerator at 4℃ to 8℃.

Third, it is recommended that you pay attention to the back pressure when using the column for the first time. If back pressure increases over time, you’re not cleaning adequately.


Fourth, filter first. If you keep foreign particles and contaminants out, you can keep the column pristine longer. Certain filtration procedures can remove particles and extend the life of the analytical column. The sample is filtered through a protective column before being injected into the more expensive analytical column itself. Not only does this keep the analytical column clean, but it also concentrates the sample, which means you can use more samples for better sensitivity.


Fifth, the chromatographic protection column as a filter or capture column, can intercept particles and other pollutants. Although this will add some additional costs, the budget will be affected. But the damage to the column is negligible. The role of the analytical guard column is to pre-intercept substances that will be firmly adsorbed by the column and cannot be washed by the mobile phase. The packing of the analytical guard column is usually the same as that of the chromatographic column, since the damage to the analytical column is in most cases only a small portion of the packing on the inlet side of the analytical column. It is recommended that you use the analytical guard column effectively to prolong the life of the column.


Sixth,no matter how large or small your research budget is, your protein separation will have the greatest chance of success when you select the column (prefabricated or homemade) that best suits your protein sample and target. Taking care of all the details during this process, including the maintenance and cleaning of your HPLC column, will support your mission to achieve important discoveries.



Post time: Jun-16-2022