Importance of HPLC grade solvents in HPLC analysis

Importance of HPLC grade solvents in HPLC analysis

In addition to the routine maintenance of liquid chromatograph, the high purity solvent also can be protecting the liquid chromatography system and increase the reliability of the results. HPLC grade means the purity of chemical reagents. It is the purity of reagents that can be used in high-performance liquid chromatography. Preparation chromatography, parallel analysis, or gradient analysis require the use of different HPLC-grade reagents.


It must select a suitable HPLC solvent before the sample is injected into the liquid chromatography system. The sample solvent and elution intensity of the mobile phase is different. Especially when the elution intensity of the former is strong, peak distortion and column efficiency will be reduced. The most effective method to deal with this question is using the mobile phase as a solvent dissolved sample. This avoids any strength or viscosity mismatch between the sample solvent and the mobile phase and reduces baseline drift during sample analysis. The solvent plays an important role in the mobile phase and helps to transport the incoming sample through the separation column to the detector. To meet different analysis requirements, you can purchase solvents of different purity grades to use. HPLC analysis requires the use of the highest purity solvents, but at the same time cost and practicality must be considered.


The purity of HPLC-grade solvents is usually more than 99.9%, and the bottle label will also indicate the content of other impurities. However, impurities can cause unnecessary peaks, which can interfere with the main peaks in the chromatogram and interfere with our analysis results.There are many reasons for impurities. Maybe the purity of the solvent is not enough, maybe the bottle is not clean or the hose is not clean, or the impurity filtering effect of the solvent suction filter is not good. UPLCS stainless steel mobile phase inlet filter can safely and effectively protect the pump and check valve. It is small in size and suitable for various brands of HPLC systems and various small bottle-mouth storage tank containers.The suction filtration resistance is small, there is almost no back pressure and formation of cavitation, compatible with a variety of mobile phase pipelines, no need to change the suction filter can be equipped with different specifications of straws, filtering particulate pollutants, no bubbles, high solvent utilization.



In the entire ultraviolet-visible wavelength range, no solvent is 100% transparent. Commonly used HPLC solvents show transparency within a certain wavelength range. Most applications will use UV detectors, so the selected solvent should have as low a UV cut-off wavelength as possible so that most of the sample components show measurable absorbance at wavelengths above the cut-off value. Besides, the higher the viscosity of the solvent, the higher the backpressure will be caused by the resistance of the stationary phase in the packed column, so the selected solvent should also have a low viscosity.


Most solvents can maintain their stability in a sealed bottle, but some solvents have a limited shelf life. When using, pay attention to check the expiration date, pay attention to use within the expiration date, and do not buy too much solvent to avoid wasteful behavior when it is not used up.


As the latest advise, all solvents are filtered and degassed through the inlet filter before use. Such preventive measures will increase the service life of the HPLC system and also help increase the reliability of the analysis results.



Post time: Jan-15-2021