UHPLCS∣Two days activity

UHPLCS∣Two days activity

“Flowers flying across the day, grass see spring heart.”It is great weather to outing. To enrich the cultural life of employees and strengthen the cohesion of the company team, we held the two days activity.

It was a breezy April morning. We staffed out at 8.00 am. In the CS field operations, we have divided into two teams. With the stimulus against, we are not only colleagues, but also comrades-in-arms, marching towards the goal of victory!


A spring outing can not be less beautiful scenery. Playing in Dapeng ancient city, we can release our pressure and feel healing.


In the coast, we organized the tug of war. After the intense competition, the terrific BBQ was come.


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We attended the geological museum in the second day. Inside, the shapes are different, and the jade exhibits of strange stones and jade have broadened our horizons and enriched our spiritual world. 

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Team activity is one of the component part of corporate culture. This activity is not only provide us a change to relax, but also enhance the mutual understanding between departments and colleagues. Time flies, and the team building activity has come to an end. While reminiscing about the trip, everyone is devoted to work with more energy and enthusiasm, and contributes to the big family of UHPLCS.

Post time: Apr-23-2021