Want the steady operating of HPLC system? You must learn to to get “flu shot”!

Want the steady operating of HPLC system? You must learn to to get “flu shot”!

For liquid chromatography that need a full day operation and analysis, it is easy to cause failure for a long time operation. So we can take some preventative maintenance measures in advance to reduce the probability of instrument failure and make the normal operating of the system. Just as the regular quality testing in the pharmacy and food industry, liquid chromatography also needs regular testing. 


Mobile phase

The mobile phase is the lifeline of the HPLC. We usually use the high purity solvent as the mobile phase. And remove the solid suspension fluid via an in-line filter that ensures the solid suspension does not enter the chromatographic columns. UPLCS liquid phase online solvent filter is installed between liquid pump and injector. It can remove particulate matter in the solvent and provide them to enter the injector. The chromatographic column inlet filter is installed before the chromatography column to remove the particle from the sampling system.


When changing the mobile phase, open the purge valve to completely remove the earlier mobile phase from the flow path. Close the valve, let the mobile phase pass through the injector and flush. Finally, connect to the chromatographic column and wash with a new fresh mobile phase. And replace the middle detergent with a fresh mobile phase at the end.


Sample preparation

HPLC is expensive. We must take preventive measures to extend the chromatography lifespan when using and storing. We need to avoid the chromatography column overload. For analysis, the loading volume of the sample shall not exceed 500μg. At the same time, avoiding sudden changes in operating conditions, such as pressure, flow and so on. 

HPLC guard columns Keep those strongly retained, non-absorbable compounds. The filter of sample and mobile phase can maintain the adsorption capacity of the protective column to chemical contaminants that can keep the long time column effective. Analytical columns use to preemptively intercept substances that will be firmly adsorbed by the column and cannot be washed by the mobile phase. It is recommended that you can effectively use the analytical protection column to extend the life of the column. 



Cleaning after using the chromatography column. It is necessary to remove soil salt deposit and buffer solution before storing. Please keep the chormatography is stored in the solvent and close end housing if you want long-term storage. It is recommended that use a chromatography column in pH2-8, otherwise the chromatography will faster aging.


To prevent the damage the seal and o ring of pump in opertaing system ithin appropriate flow and pressure limits. When the pump out of operating, please do not left corrosive solvent or buffer in system. We highly recommend to replace teh seal and o-ring and making ultrasonic treatment is performed on the inlet filter regulary to prevent any suspended particles clog the column. The packed pump equipped with a mobile phase can remove the residues of the early analysis components. After using the buffer solution as the mobile phase, run enough water to remove all the salt deposits.

Column oven

Column oven keeps the stationary temperature and prevents the drift of peak retention time. The setting temperature should keep in the supplier suggest range. Keeping the column oven clean, checking to connect regularly and ensuring the air does not enter the column oven.

UPLCS liquid chromatography column made of stainless steel. The column is filled with bonded silica gel or polymer fillers. Various specifications that adpoting to adapt to the different needs of chromatographic workers and their use.

C4 HPLC Columns


A well-maintained HPLC system ensures continuous operation without failure, thereby avoiding failure and helping to maintain a high sample analysis flux. The above is the previous maintain operating suggests about HPLC system. In a word, regular inspection of the liquid chromatography and regular troubleshooting is essential. Liquid chromatography is expensive and needs careful maintenance in order to long service time.


Post time: Jan-29-2021