Why use a liquid chromatography guard column?

Why use a liquid chromatography guard column?

Students who often use chromatographic columns for chromatographic analysis are confused. Why does the efficiency of the LC guard column decrease after a period of use? The decrease in column efficiency is mainly due to the contamination of the chromatographic column in the system from the sample or the system.  These chemical contaminants cause the column head to collapse or the column frit to be blocked.  The column efficiency not only decreases, but also shortens the service life of the column.

It can be seen that avoiding contamination of the chromatographic column is an effective means to maintain column efficiency and prolong the service life of the chromatographic column. Where do pollutants come from? For example, the pollution caused by the sample is mainly due to the incomplete dissolution of the sample or the reaction between the mobile phase and the sample to precipitate precipitates. If you are a student who frequently analyzes Chinese medicines, synthetics, and biological products, you will be deeply impressed.  The matrix of these samples is very complicated, and the probability of contamination of the analytical column will greatly increase


UHPLCS HPLC Analytical Column  DSC_6905


The pollution inside the system mainly comes from the solid particles produced by the abrasion of the instrument components. For example, the system pressure is very high during the use of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography. In such an ultra-high pressure environment, it is more likely that the components will be generated due to wear and tear. Metal particulate matter. Contamination not only causes the column head to collapse, but also causes the internal pressure of the system to increase, and the discoloration of the packing material will eventually affect the accuracy of the analysis and detection results.

In short, the “contamination” in the liquid chromatography system is very terrible. We can use the chromatographic guard column to protect the column. uHPLCs liquid chromatography guard column is installed between the sampler and the analytical column to intercept the strongly retained and non-absorbable compounds to protect the chromatographic column.


Some people will worry that the liquid chromatography guard column will Increase dead volume If you want to minimize the dead volume, you can choose our direct-connected guard column, which can be directly connected to the analytical column so that the dead volume is small and will not affect the analysis results. Not only the dead volume is small, the protective cover is tightened by hand (no tools are needed), and the replacement of the column core is also very convenient, easy to install and use, and can greatly reduce maintenance costs compared to replacing the chromatographic column. 


Post time: Dec-02-2021